Here is an ongoing list of fliers, booklets, and other materials I created as a tool for bringing visibility to the human rights violations committed against transgender people by the Trump Administration. You may print them off to distribute as you choose:
Here are some folding instructions for 8-page booklets.
If the 5871 template doesn't work, you can use Avery's website to make your own.
One of the reasons I started making these materials (and this website in general) is because I was seeking out printable materials to educate people about this issue and didn't find anything that expressed what I wanted to express. If you find that nothing I have available works for you, you are completely empowered to make your own that better suits your perspective on this issue and the audience you are sharing it with. Here are some ideas you can use:
I personally really like the "mini booklet" style zine for more informative handouts, because they're small, easy to carry, and each one only takes one piece of paper while being able to fit a lot of information. A good guide on designing and constructing these can be found here.
I also like small pieces like business cards and quarter-page fliers. You can design these and a number of other printable DIY materials (like stickers) using Avery's website.
I really like adding QR codes to my literature to make it easy and convenient for people to learn more. Typically I will include the address in plain text underneath, as there are people who won't trust QR codes who may want to type the address in manually. To generate QR codes, I use, which gives you the option to customize the design a lot, like adding little logos and gradients and stuff. You can create them for your own site, or you can make them directing to other relevant places, like,, or organizations doing the work.
If you design your own printouts and want to link to this website, I would appreciate it if you would use this version or the trans flag version from earlier; these have a slight address change that will tell me if people are coming to this site from DIY lit (don't worry, I'm not tracking anyone individually, I just use it to get a ballpark figure of what works best).
When it comes to printing, I personally have my own black and white laser printer. These are much more efficient than most home printers if you're going to be printing a LOT of things. While color certainly makes things look pretty, it is likely to be very expensive with the kind of printing you may be doing, and makes your literature more traceable, if you're worried about that.
Anyway, I'll add more of my own literature as I make it, and feel free to keep making your own. Every bit of action helps!