Put Pressure On Capitulators

Put Pressure On Capitulators

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The primary way that Trump is leading his genocide against transgender people is by writing a bunch of executive orders, knowing that a lot of people in the government as well as the private sector are either cowards or transphobic themselves. They capitulate to his orders almost immediately, long before there is any real legal pressure to do so.

In addition to yelling at politicians, it's really important to put pressure on other entities--this includes federal and state organizations, corporations, hospitals, and anybody else--who comply with any measures to eliminate acknowledgement of trans people's existence.

The main two ways that I'm seeing this happen:

  1. Removing protections for transgender people from their policies.
  2. Removing references to transgender people from their websites.

It is vitally important that you contact these groups in any way you are able to in order to demand they reverse these decisions. If we are talking about a company? Boycott them, if at all possible. Send them messages via their contact forms explaining why you aren't shopping there. If you have to call to cancel a service, tell them why. While it is OK to be angry and firm, be professional and do not make threats.

When it comes to the current wave of government organizations removing references to the transgender community and individual trans people from their websites and other materials, they usually will have contact methods such as emails, contact forms, phone numbers, and mailing addresses you can use.

Here is a list of capitulators I recommend messaging. Since I do not update this website in realtime, you should check the websites listed and verify whether or not they have reversed the changes before contacting. Remember that you don't need to stop at contacting them once! I have committed to contacting them regularly until they stop participating in the erasure of trans people.

Current List of Capitulators

There Are More Capitulators, And You Can Help Find Them

Somebody who has been doing a lot of great work finding transgender erasure on government and organization websites is Mady Castigan, who has not only been cataloguing these changes but has provided some great guidance on finding them yourselves! Here are some relevant resources to check out:

If there is a nonprofit, government organization, or any other entity you work with, you might be able to suss out if they are capitulating by doing a quick search on Google to see if they have any recently-broken links. Use the searches such as the following, replacing "website.com" with the organization's domain, and click on the links that show up to see if they still exist. If they don't, you can use the Wayback Machine to see if they were deleted recently. If you do find changes, you can let Mady Castigan know here.

transgender site:website.com
nonbinary site:website.com
LGBT site:website.com
queer site:website.com
"gender identity" site:website.com

The CDC, HHS, and NIH

Health-related government sites were some of the first capitulators, removing a bunch of data and information about transgender people as well as people with HIV. They removed all content related to gender identity. Here is an article from NPR on the subject.

Note that a judge did order federal health agencies to restore their websites, but it's unclear what that will look like, so you should still pester them if they don't have information about trans people.

A few websites that were scrubbed:

And here is some contact information:

The National Parks Service (Stonewall National Monument)

The National Parks Service pulled all references to transgender people from the Stonewall National Monument webpage on February 13. A number of references that were made were sloppily changed to "LGBQ+" and then to "LGB," which in its current use is an explicit anti-trans statement. Some information about this along with some comments from Erik Bottcher, the city councilman who represents Greenwich Village, can be found in New York Times article. It is important to remember that trans people and laws policing gender expression were central to the Stonewall Riots; people would get arrested if they were wearing "opposite sex" clothing, and some of the main participants were trans people (here is a History Channel article about it).

Here is the website that is most egregiously stripped of trans references. You can check that site to see if it is still devoid of trans people (using the term "LGB," for instance). If it still doesn't mention trans people, here is some contact information:

Mailing Address:
Stonewall National Monument
C/O Federal Hall National Memorial
26 Wall St.
New York, NY 10005

Phone Number:

And you can also find other contact methods, such as social media accounts and contact forms, on this page. You can also send feedback by clicking "No" in the "Was this page helpful?" box and entering a comment.

RAINN - (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and the NSVRC (National Sexual Violence Resource Center)

Note: Per a Facebook post, NSVRC is restoring the information on their website.

Both of these organizations had resources specific to transgender people that have been removed to comply with President Trump's anti-trans genocide.

Some website changes that were made:

This is particularly alarming, because transgender people face both a particularly high sexual assault rate and are frequently uncomfortable accessing services designed to help survivors.

Some contact information for these capitulators:


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